Intentonomics™ Intentonomics™ Episode 9 – There is a Teacher everywhere Are you learning

In this episode of The Positive Charge, Ankur shares the importance of absorbing learning from all sources to energize our souls and bring the Power of Positivity and Possibility into our lives.

Intentonomics™ Intentonomics™ Episode 8 – Falling means you dared to go high

In this episode of The Positive Charge, Ankur talks about the importance of pursuing your ambitions bravely.

Intentonomics™ Intentonomics™ Episode 7 – It is your Duty to be Happy!

In this episode, Ankur focuses on the importance of Happiness and correlates happiness with other desires in life.

Intentonomics™ Intentonomics™ Episode 6 – Is this what you really want

Ankur encourages you to ask yourself whether your choices are based on what you really want?