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That’s Me Talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari – Episode 04 – World Mental Health Day 2019 Special!

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, Ankur shares the importance of absorbing learning from all sources to energise our souls and bring the Power of Positivity and Possibility in our lives.


Falling means you dared to go high – That’s Me Talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari – Video Episode 03

In this episode of That’s Me Talks, Ankur talks about the importance of pursuing your ambitions bravely.


It is your Duty to be Happy – That’s Me Talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari – Video Episode 02

In this episode, Ankur focuses on the importance of Happiness and correlates happiness with other desires in life.


What do you really Want? – That’s Me Talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari – Video Episode 01

That’s Me Talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari on the Power of Positivity and Possibility. Video Episode created on popular demand.

Ankur shares his learnings based on his success and failure experiences during his personal and work-life and travels to multiple countries around the world.

Ankur is based in the United Kingdom with a secondary residence in India.


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Episode 02- It is your Duty to be Happy- Listen Now!

In this episode, Ankur focuses on the importance of Happiness and correlates happiness with other desires in life.

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क्या यही आपके मन की मर्ज़ी है? by Ankur Shiv Bhandari

Hindi version of Ankur’s first episode on That’s Me Talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari, Managing Director Asbicon.
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Episode 01- Is this what you really want?- Listen Now!

In this episode, Ankur asks you to answer the questions on “Whether you are living the life you want?” Ankur also shares his own thoughts and experiences on the same.

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That’s me talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari – An Introduction

Hear Ankur in his own words as he describes his upcoming Talk Show. The Talk Show focuses on sharing, learnings and experiences through life from a small town India to Boardrooms of the World Globally.

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That’s me talks by Ankur Shiv Bhandari – Coming Soon!

Follow the journey of a boy from a small town in India to Board Rooms of the world.

Ankur Shiv Bhandari

Never criticise competition! You’ll be the biggest loser

We recently moved to a new and bigger office for our business Asbicon in the UK and were looking for telecom companies to set up a phone system exchange with extensions etc. and had invited a few suppliers to assess our needs and provide options with quotes. Sales person of one of the suppliers had finished his presentation and was on his way out while another supplier’s salesperson came in. He said to me ” The cowboys are also pitching” IT WAS AN INSTANT TURN OFF!!

He started by talking about why this other company, his competition was useless and why he was much better etc. Although his solution was reasonable however, his credibility in my mind hit a bottom when his starting pitch was criticising competition. This is one example, we come across many such situations in dealing with sales people.

We need to focus on facts not negativity. We absolutely need to show why our product/solution is better but that needs to be done focused on facts rather than by insulting competition. If a client brings up competition or even if you proactively want to address the strengths you have versus competition, it is advisable to acknowledge that the competition provide a product/solution and they might have their own strengths but you are here to show why your product/solution is better

Focus on your strengths, your key points of differentiation and invest your energy positively in elevating your credibility.

Compare don’t criticise.